When construction, maintenance and special events interrupt or stop the normal function of a road, a Traffic Guidance Scheme is created to ensure the safety of all road users and workers. The plan shows how traffic is to be safely isolated from employees at the worksite and pedestrians.
The Danger of not having a Traffic Guidance Scheme
Having a Traffic Guidance Scheme in place is essential for many reasons. One of the most evident and dangerous things that can happen when there is no Traffic Guidance Scheme is that you might end up with people getting hit by cars as they cross the street or walk down a sidewalk. This could result from drivers not seeing them because they are obscured by construction vehicles or materials. It can also happen if drivers have been asked to stop at an intersection but don’t understand why they’re stopping and proceed through before it’s safe to do so. The risk of injury or death increases exponentially without a well-thought-out road closure plan in place that includes detours and alternate routes for those who live near the work zone area.
What every Traffic Guidance Scheme should include
Every Traffic Guidance Scheme should include detours and alternate routes for those near the work zone area. A clear sign indicating what types of vehicles are allowed in this area (i.e., emergency vehicles only). Signs show which direction people can walk around to avoid crossing active lanes on foot when they need to get somewhere quickly on foot. A designated place where people with disabilities can cross safely. Include a clear request for drivers to stop at all intersections when the barricades are in place. They must follow any directions given by a flagger or law enforcement officer before proceeding through an intersection if it’s not safe to do so.
How to be safe at construction sites and events
It is a common misconception that Traffic Guidance Scheme are only necessary when there’s construction going on. That’s not true, and the necessity of having a plan in place becomes more apparent at events like parades or other large gatherings. When these events take place, pedestrians often crowd to watch from sidewalks or streets near the event area. To ensure their safety, drivers must obey all traffic signs and follow instructions from police officers directing them where they should go – even if they don’t know why they’re being asked to do so. For example, if an officer asks you to stop your car at an intersection but says nothing else about what you should do next, it means they are expecting someone else to be in that intersection, and you should wait patiently to proceed.
Safety tips for people who work at traffic control sites
It’s essential for people who work at traffic control sites to be aware of the safety tips that can help them stay safe. These are some things they should know before starting their job: -The importance of wearing reflective clothing, especially in low light conditions. Drivers are more likely to see you if you’re dressed brightly and have a flashlight with you. To let drivers know where it is safe to go, use signs or cones that identify the direction of travel through an intersection or around a corner. Be sure these signs are visible from all directions on both sides of the intersection so vehicles coming up behind will not run into pedestrians crossing over their path. If there is no flagger present, drivers must obey any instructions given by law enforcement. How to use the safety equipment provided, including cones, signs, and barricades, to keep pedestrians safe. It is vital to work with other vehicles that are also on-site to provide access or remove barriers when they’re no longer needed.
Working without a Traffic Guidance Scheme can be dangerous for drivers, pedestrians and construction workers. If you are not sure if you need traffic management or need additional advice, call AllSafe Traffic today on 0400 503 030.
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